Until recently, we looked at disease as sets of symptoms caused by poor function or non-function of specific organs or body parts. Medical professionals everywhere are taught to look for and to treat symptoms, rather than to look further to find their causes. If we looked for causes, most could be found easily, allowing symptoms to be reduced or effectively mitigated.
The Companion to “SAY GOOD-BYE TO ILLNESS” The NAET Guide book is designed to help practitioners and patients that are going through Nambudripad's Allergy Relief Techniques treatment.
Relief can be as close as an NAET® Practitioner near you. Thousands of medical practitioners have received training to administer NAET.
Certified practitioners
Associates of NAET
NAR Foundation members
Dr. Nambudripad's discovery, NAET®, is an innovative and completely natural method for regaining better health and effectively relieving allergies and the diseases arising from those allergens.
Find out how you can become a Practitioner.