Global Autism Study

Nambudripad’s Allergy Research Foundation is a non-profit research organization that studies holistic remedies to allergies and related illness. 

N.A.R.F. Global Autism Study is investigating a permanent solution for autism using NAET®. NAET® is a non invasive drug free, natural technique that has no negative side effects. NAET® uses a series of allergy elimination treatments to permanently eliminate autism.

The Nambudripad Allergy Research Foundation (N.A.R.F.)is currently conducting a large global study using over 100 well trained NAET® practitioners on a group of 1296 autistic children (ages 2 to 10) to determine the effectiveness of NAET® in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our earlier published research showed dramatic improvement, with 23/30 children receiving treatment being able to return to regular schools (vs 0/30 in the untreated control group). Before entering the study, children must have a diagnosis of Autism from a psychologist, neurologist or a psychiatrist. Part of initial screening includes blood tests for IgE allergies, a five minute interactive video, initial evaluations in the office and functional testing.N.A.R.F. will pay for these evaluations. This translates to over $3000.00 per study child.

Additional Autism Information

NAET Autism Study Brochure

Invitation to the Global NAET Autism Study

Participating Practitioners in Global NAET Autism Study

Article on the Associate of Food Allergy and Other Allergic Conditions with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children