Nambudripad’s Allergy Research Foundation is a non-profit research organization that studies holistic remedies to allergies and related illness.
N.A.R.F. Global Autism Study is investigating a permanent solution for autism using NAET®. NAET® is a non invasive drug free, natural technique that has no negative side effects. NAET® uses a series of allergy elimination treatments to permanently eliminate autism.
The Nambudripad Allergy Research Foundation (N.A.R.F.)is currently conducting a large global study using over 100 well trained NAET® practitioners on a group of 1296 autistic children (ages 2 to 10) to determine the effectiveness of NAET® in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our earlier published research showed dramatic improvement, with 23/30 children receiving treatment being able to return to regular schools (vs 0/30 in the untreated control group). Before entering the study, children must have a diagnosis of Autism from a psychologist, neurologist or a psychiatrist. Part of initial screening includes blood tests for IgE allergies, a five minute interactive video, initial evaluations in the office and functional testing.N.A.R.F. will pay for these evaluations. This translates to over $3000.00 per study child.
Additional Autism Information
Invitation to the Global NAET Autism Study